Struggles in Bigger Ponds | Ichiro Arbole | TEDxYouth@DLSUSHS

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Ichiro Arbole shares that our definition of excellence should not be dependent on others, but it should come from us.

Ichiro Arbole is a notable debater, well-known for his public speaking and leadership skills when it comes to organizing and leading events. He was a former student council president, now an executive officer in La Salle Debate League. Ichiro won various awards such as 4th best speaker in Asia in the Asian Schools Debating Championship, and a National Grand Finalist in Philippine Schools Debate Championship. Ichiro Arbole is a notable debater, well-known for his public speaking and leadership skills when it comes to organizing and leading events. He was a former Student Council President, now an executive officer in La Salle Debate League (LSDL). Ichiro won various awards such as the 4th best speaker in Asia in the Asian Schools Debate Championship, and a National Grand Finalist in the Philippine Schools Debate Championship. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Kategorie: TED Talks

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