How I Made My Mark In Space. | Sanket Deshpande | TEDxBITSGoa

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What does it take to launch India’s first student-led micro-satellite? Ask the team leader Sanket Deshpande who humbly also holds badges from SpaceX Hyperloop and Project Mudra. He’s a fourth-year student from BITS Pilani Goa Campus, but he is pursuing much more than just a dual degree. In addition to Project Apeiro, the said micro-satellite, he also contributed to Project Mudra as the youngest founding member. He helped the team win the prestigious UKTI Tech Rocketships award in 2016. Learn more about the perseverance, grit and sheer genius that this arduous journey takes from Sanket Deshpande. Sanket Deshpande is a student at Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani – Goa Campus pursuing degrees in MSc. Physics and B.E Electrical and Electronics Engineering.

Initially facing a lot of criticism and doubt, after 3 years, Sanket’s team Project Apeiro launched India’s first student-led micro-satellite. Built in collaboration with the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), the India-Based Neutrino Observatory (INO) and the Astrostat group, the satellite was launched in Hyderabad on 3rd Feb, 2018.

Sanket truly believes in the idea of using technology to improve lives. Thinkerbell Labs (Project Mudra) was one such idea. Joining as the youngest founding member and leading the development of the embedded systems for the braille dicta-teacher, Sanket helped Project Mudra win the prestigious UKTI Tech Rocketships 2016 award.

Hyperloop is a very innovative and disruptive idea by Elon Musk, and to Sanket’s mind it was “I could either watch it happen or be a part of it”. Sanket joined the team Hyperloop India to work on the electrical subsystems. Hyperloop India would go on to be one of the only two Asian teams to be selected in the Hyperloop pod competition, 2017.

Sanket serves as an inspiration to anyone who is too afraid to execute his/her unconventional ideas due to the fear of failing. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Kategorie: TED Talks

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