Ben Anderson (VICE) & Sebastian Junger on War Reporting

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On February 2nd, 2016, Discourse partnered with RISC (Reporters Instructed in Saving Colleagues) to host the first-ever Right Proper War Correspondents with best-selling journalist Sebastian Junger (The Perfect Storm: A True Story of Men Against the Sea, “Restrepo”) and award-winning VICE on HBO correspondent Ben Anderson („The Battle for Marjah,“ „Holidays in the Axis of Evil“).

Anderson screened some of his work on the front lines of Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan and discuss with Junger the challenges of foreign reporting.

Clips were screened from:
Battle for Marjah (HBO Docs)
Afghanistan After Us (VICE on HBO)
Pacification of Rio (VICE on HBO)
Fighting Isis (VICE on HBO)

For for more information about the event and future events visit:

Kategorie: BBC Panorama

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