LIVEstonia Episode 15 EST/ENG

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Tänases saates näeme, kuidas Paidest sai uus Rio de Janeiro. Brasiilia samba rütmid toob Eesti südamesse Ana, keda abistab Paide neiu Eva. Saame teada, kui palju aega kulub Anal, et koguda 100 naeratust, ja Eval, et valmistuda keskväljakul samba tantsimiseks karnevaliriietes, mis koosnevad peamiselt pärlitest ja sulgedest.

LIVEstonia 15
In today’s LIVEstonia we will see that Paide town has been turned to Rio-de-Janeiro. The rhythms of Brazilian Samba were brought by Ana to the very heart of Estonia. She is being helped by Paide resident Eva. We will learn how much time Ana will need in order to collect 100 smiles. And how long will it take Eva to get ready to the dance in the central square in the outfit made out of beads and feathers mostly…


Kategorie: RTL / RTL 2

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