Why Optimism and Creativity (Not Doom) Will Save the Planet | Katie Patrick | TEDxSanLuisObispo

mehr Dokus

Startup founder of Urban Canopy in San Francisco, environmental engineer, and software designer, Katie Patrick, devotes her life to helping make a social and environmental impact. Katie speaks on how one’s own creativity and optimism will help save the planet. Hello! I’m Katie. I’m an environmental engineer and software designer. I design „Fitbit for the planet“ apps that help social impact entrepreneurs and sustainability professionals implement powerful data, game design and behavior-change techniques that create real and measurable change. My approach is designed to sharply tap into your audience’s motivational core. I can help you use these principles to unleash your greatest innovations, inspiration and creativity, so you can experience the joy of implementing a project that really does change the world. I’m the founder of Urban Canopy in San Francisco — a startup that is creating high definition thermal maps of urban heat islands to empower people to create more urban greening and cooling projects. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx

Kategorie: TED Talks

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