Just as the flu virus has become a threat to our physical health and well-being, the disruption and automation of the Fourth Industrial Revolution both pose significant threats to our career health as organisations face global competition and rationalise workforces through restructuring and redundancy.
In her TEDx talk, career coach and trainer, Carolyn Parry, argues that in the same way that we take action to stay healthy and avoid catching the flu, we need to look after our career health. To help with this, she shares the story of Peter, one of her clients, to illustrate a four-part career management strategy that anyone can use to vaccinate their career against the threat and thrive throughout a 50-year career no matter how much the world of work changes.
Languages graduate from London University, Carolyn has a passion for helping people identify and work towards achieving their potential. Her own very painful career crisis, following a successful but unfulfilling business career working in property, international software and publishing, led to her identifying her true North and retraining to become a careers adviser and now a career coach. A former Aberystwyth University Deputy Director and Institute Director of Student Development and Employability, she took Voluntary Severance in 2015 to set up her own company supporting students, recent graduates and professionals seeking and needing to change their career. You can find out more about her work at: https://www.careeralchemy.co.uk/ This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx